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Registering now for September 2025 and beyond

We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful pre-school. Please click on our virtual tour or alternatively please contact the Manager to arrange a visit.

Parents helping

Download this PDF to find out about helping at school

One of the things which makes Ide Hill Pre-school so special is the number of adults involved.  By coming to help in pre-school, you are giving your child a chance to be part of a parent-involving pre-school.  Research shows that children learn better when their parents/carers are involved*.  It is an important step towards giving all the children in the group the best possible start.

Ide Hill Pre-School needs you

Having mums, dads or carers helping at pre-school gives the children a number of advantages:

  • Seeing their own parents involved in the pre-school shows children that their parents are interested and think education is important — and that they have a part to play in it.  It makes your child feel special because you are there.
  • Children in pre-school encounter a wide range of adults, each with their own different skills and backgrounds.
  • It helps us to maintain a high adult:child ratio (though parent helpers aren’t counted in the official ratio), enabling us to provide individual care and attention to each child’s needs and development.
  • Parents who help in the group get to know what goes on and are in the best position to pick up on pre-school learning at home.
  • Watching their own child busy among the pre-school activities and getting on with other children can give parents new insight into children’s needs and abilities.

Ide Hill Pre-School has a rota of parent helpers – please take a turn on it if you possibly can. Fathers, mothers, grandparents and other carers are all welcome. If you are not sure about anything when you come in to help, please feel free to ask myself or your child’s key person.  They are there to help you.

If you are interested in finding out more about helping, here’s a 3 page document that tells you much more.

*“Evidence has clearly shown parents’ involvement in their children’s early learning has a huge and lasting impact” Katherine Rake – Chief Executive, family and Parenting Institute – interviewed by ‘Under 5’ Magazine of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, January 2010