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Kent Quality Mark Accreditation

Kent Quality Mark - Early Years

The Pre-School has today been accredited the Kent Quality Mark after submission to the KQM examination panel for evaluation.

The quality mark is an extremely prestigious quality improvement tool only for submission by settings with existing good or outstanding criteria. Taking part in the KQM accreditation has enabled us to improve upon our current outstanding practice at Ide Hill Pre-School.

Our action research project ‘Growing Green Thinkers’ has focused predominately upon the allotment area. Through intense reflection, coupled with the desire to continuously improve and the total commitment of all the teachers.

Challenges such as floods comparable to ‘Noah’s Ark’ during the winter months were overcome, leading to positive long term changes impacting hugely on the health and well-being and learning of all the children in the setting.

Several initiatives involving parents have developed as a result of the project and now form part of the regular fabric of the pre-school. For example one of our pre-school mums provides weekly yoga sessions/parents now enjoy the ‘Cooking Basket’ with their children creating amazing healthy recipes together.

The long term objective of using our own home grown produce for snack time has been achieved with the children nibbling on a home grown pea fresh out of the pod or even using fresh rhubarb to make muffins, just wonderful!

Our children when asked now “where does a potato come from?”… will no longer reply “Tesco’s” or “next to the carrots in Lidls!”

The project has truly demonstrated how gardening can enrich the curriculum, teach children life skills, and most importantly contribute to their emotional and physical health.

The KQM – Team of Co-ordinators would proudly like to thank the whole community of Ide Hill Pre-school – children, parents and members of staff, who helped to make our garden grow!!!

CLick here to find out more about the Kent Quality Mark Acreditation Scheme for Pre-schools.