Registering now for September 2025 and beyond We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful pre-school. Please click on our virtual tour or alternatively please contact the Manager to arrange a visit.
Sunday 6th December ????❄️❄️?? Mrs T went along to Kippington Nursing and Care Home for the elderly in Sevenoaks to deliver a wonderful hamper of treats, ? biscuits, tea, soaps and even a bottle of wine !!! – to share amongst the elderly ? from Pre-School. As we all understand this year, how vulnerable and isolated the […] […]
[ September 4, 2024; 9:15 am to 2:45 pm. ] Dear Parents, We understand that the first day at pre-school is a huge step, not only for the children, but for Mums and Dads too! Settling your little ones and ensuring they are happy is our priority. Try not to worry and if you have any concerns we are always available to chat to. Enjoy the […] […]
[ September 1, 2023; 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. ] Our taster session for new children starting September 2023 will be Friday 1 September 09.00 – 10.30 & 11.00 – 12.30. This will be followed by staff training. […]
[ June 13, 2023; 9:15 am to 11:15 am. ] We recognise the importance of involving Dads/Grandads into our pre-school. Back by popular demand we will be holding a Dads/Grandads come to School day on Tuesday 13th June and Thursday 15th June in the morning. Please put these dates into your diaries. The idea is that you come along at 09.15 and join in with […] […]
[ June 25, 2023; 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. ] Please join us on Sunday 25th June 11-1 for our family fun day to be held at Pre-school. Tickets can be purchased from Brenda (Rebecca/Alex) Mummy. Cost is £10.00 per family. (Please see email dated 12 May.) All proceeds will be going towards our new indoor climbing apparatus. […]
[ October 21, 2021; 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. ] We welcome you to an information evening concerning the newly revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). During the evening you will have the opportunity to come and hear what is involved in the (EYFS) and how we deliver the curriculum to your children. […]
Happy children… happy parents