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Registering now for September 2025 and beyond

We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful pre-school. Please click on our virtual tour or alternatively please contact the Manager to arrange a visit.

New Term Begins – Wednesday 4th September

September 4, 2024
9:15 amto2:45 pm

Dear Parents,
We understand that the first day at pre-school is a huge step, not only for the children, but for Mums and Dads too! Settling your little ones and ensuring they are happy is our priority. Try not to worry and if you have any concerns we are always available to chat to. Enjoy the last few days of the Summer. Love Mrs Money and the Pre-school Teachers.  

I understand that you are scared to wave your child goodbye and leave them in a teacher’s hands – don’t worry if you cry!
We’re used to weeping parents, it’s hard to leave I know. But it’s time to share them (just a bit) to help them learn and grow.
Let me reassure you that we will give your child our best, we will wipe their tears, soothe their fears and change their dirty vest!
If your child is full of cold we will blow their nose all day, just like you, we’ll care for them in a very special way.
We will treat them like our own and catch them from a fall and if there are ANY problems we will be sure to tell you all.
It’s true they will grow to love us, they’ll talk of pre-school a lot, it doesn’t mean they hate you and that you should lose the plot!
I’ll tell you a secret… That when your child is here, they talk to us as much of you of this please have no fear.
You will always be their Mummy, whilst teachers come and go, to them you are their number one, this I truly know.
Soon you’ll see some changes, in your little girl or boy, they’ll become more independent and to see this, it’s a joy!
We’ll teach them all we have to give, to share, climb and to write, but to you they safely will return to tuck them in at night.

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